Sunday, April 7, 2013

A few words about Chi-Sao.

Chi Sao is the signature training exercise of Ving Tsun Kung Fu. It is an exercise in which we examine energy, timing, positioning, and structure. It develops a skill set that is useful in fighting but it is NOT fighting. It is a game, a game with rules, ideally the participants have an implicit agreement as to what the rules are prior to playing. I'd like to make 5 quick points about how to get the most out of your Chi-Sao training.

1. Unless otherwise stated, the si-hing (senior student) always functions as the aggressor, the si-dai is simply to try his best to hold the line, maintain good structure and proper hand positions. With your si-hing's permission you can work on trying to take the line and move forward.When you are done playing make sure to get some insight from your si-hing about what you need to improve.

2. It is just as important to know when you don't have the line as it to know when you do. Again, Chi - Sao is not fighting. If your training partner captures the line and plays a valid technique, acknowledge it. Also, any technique that relies purely on strength and or speed is not a good technique. Don't force your strikes! Use sensitivity, timing, and positioning.

3. Don't worry about getting hit and don't worry about hitting. This has a lot to do with ego, and how it creeps into our practice. "He hit me, so I need to hit him back", this way of thinking is not constructive and will take you off purpose. Your purpose is simply to occupy the line, anything that happens should be as a result of you staying true to your purpose. Don't chase your partners hands, play the line, all the time.

4. Do not attempt to defeat the drill (do not use "unstoppable techniques"). There is a video by Grandmaster Moy Yat where he discusses unstoppable techniques. People see a title like this and become very excited. I mean c'mon, who wouldn't want to be unstoppable? In reality, Grandmaster Moy Yat is discussing bad Chi - Sao, he is highlighting techniques you should avoid because although they may work in the context of Chi-Sao they require no skill to perform and thus they do not develop any skill.

5. Keep a note book, this is very important. As time goes by you will find that there are certain places where you get stuck. You may find you are repeating the same series of movements over and over again. Keeping a note book will help you examine and get past these dead ends. Also it will help you keep track of where you have been and help you establish where you need to go in your training. We often get comfortable with what we are good at and stay in the zone of comfort. Keeping a note book will help you to map out the areas where your Kung Fu is weak and determine how you might address those issues.

Now, go play Chi Sao!

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