Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ving Tsun Footwork

It may seem that the Ving Tsun system has limited footwork, in actuality there is a great deal of footwork in the system hidden in plain sight. The Ving Tsun Kung Fu system contains linear, circular, and angular footwork. The elements of Ving Tsun footwork are contained in the forms, exercises, and weapons training.

In some ways learning Ving Tsun is like having a set of Legos, there are a variety of building blocks of various shapes and sizes. What you do with those building blocks is based on your own intelligence and creativity. Much of the basic knowledge of the system is explicit, the intermediate to advanced level knowledge is mostly implicit, do the work and you will figure it out. This is how it goes for learning the footwork as well as anything else at the higher levels.

For the purposes of training and research I would suggest the following categories.

1.       Maintaining and controlling distance

2.       Closing to bridge and finish (while minimizing your chances of being hit)

3.       Close range footwork based on contact sensitivity

4.       All of the above versus an armed opponent

This will serve as a great study and research guide and help you analyze what you are learning while you experiment with how it can be used. I am not going to get into specifics because the real learning is in your experience, experimentation, and discussion.

Good luck and enjoy!

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