Sunday, March 24, 2013

The value of Kung Fu training.

So, one may ask, why bother to study Kung Fu. I could just buy a gun if I wanted to protect myself, why go through all the trouble, time, and expense. To a degree, this is a logical way of thinking and really it depends on where you are in your life and what you want out of your life. If all you are interested in is protecting your self or learning how to fight then there are easier ways to go about it than learning Kung Fu. Ving Tsun in particular can be somewhat difficult to learn, you could learn it on a superficial level and have a certain degree of success, but to really understand it and become skillful will require time and effort. Is it worth it?

Of course my answer to this question is going to be yes since I am a lifelong martial artist and Ving Tsun instructor. Let me explain my answer and hopefully it will be helpful to those who might be considering starting out on this path.

First, if all you are really interested in is fighting then it would  be a waste of time for you to read any more of this, find a good Boxing, MMA, or Krav Maga school and enjoy. However if you are interested in martial arts and Ving Tsun in particular as a practical form of metaphysical study then you are in the right place. By studying Ving Tsun and applying it's principles in your everyday day life you can reap a great deal of benefit, and this is a benefit that increases over time. I have three criteria for evaluating any form of metaphysical study. Through the study and application of any particular method you should be able to observe and measure growth in the following categories.

1. Health and Vitality

Through the practice of Ving Tsun it is possible to improve your health, develop more muscle, lose weight, gain better body awareness. If these are things that you want, they can be acquired through the study of Ving Tsun, but you must apply yourself and train specifically for the things you want out of your training. If your goal is Olympic level performance, it will require Olympic level effort. On the other hand, training purely for enjoyment at least twice a week at the school, and on your own when you have time will produce significant results. Again it all depends on what you want and the level you are willing to train at.

2. Quality Relationships

Through your training you will develop a better understanding of your self. We gain insight into ourselves through our interactions with others. As we learn and grow through these relationships within our Kung Fu family there is a parallel and simultaneous effect on our relationships outside of the Kung Fu family. The people you deal with in your everyday life should notice a difference. You should be noticably more centered, calm, and caring.

3. Personal effectiveness

Ving Tsun is about efficiency in everything we do, not only that, we become more efficient at being efficient. The principles and concepts we experience in our physical practice begin to extend in to how we live our lives. We begin to become more mindful, and with mindful awareness we strive to take the appropriate action in all circumstances. We are able to efficiently accomplish what it is we set out to do!

Use this offer from Groupon to start your training! 

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